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Review: Building Event-Driven Microservices - Adam Bellemare

Horacio de Oro
Horacio de Oro
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Building Event-Driven Microservices book cover

  • Full name: Building Event-Driven Microservices: Leveraging Organizational Data at Scale
  • Author: Adam Bellemare
  • Date: 2020
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Ideal for developers with microservice experience looking to explore event-driven architecture (EDA), this book dives into how to reliably interface microservices and EDA. This is incredibly valuable when you need to evolve your current architecture into an EDA with an iterative and incremental approach.

You’ll explore various integration patterns, from the basic to the highly scalable, including Change Data Capture (CDC) and the outbox table pattern. These patterns are essential for transforming a microservice architecture into a robust event-driven system.

Many of these lessons and techniques apply to monoliths. If you want to know about an alternative to pure http-based microservices, this book is for you too: you can model your system using core business events and EDA to decouple subsystems from the monolith.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including event-driven concepts, design patterns, stream processing, pure producer/consumer microservices, and how to integrate event-driven with request/response microservices.

It also touches on testing and deployment considerations. While it won’t make you a Kafka expert or delve into every aspect of microservices architecture, that’s perfectly fine! There are other resources out there for those deeper dives. This focus makes it a great starting point for developers new to EDA.