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Horacio de Oro

Horacio de Oro

Available to help you find and implement the right solution for your business. Expert on Google Cloud and AWS, Security, Kubernetes, Django, Python, PostgreSql.


Implementing a system test for Popyka
Let’s create a system test for Popyka (a system designed to capture database changes and publish them to Kafka), emphasizing a black-box approach, treating Popyka as a whole system and focusing on verifying its functionality end to end.
From Zero to CDC: A 3-days Agile Journey to the PoC
In this post, we’ll explore some technical aspects of constructing a lightweight Python-based CDC system. However, the core focus here is on the techniques that unlock rapid iteration and efficiency, particularly when navigating significant uncertainty. We’ll use PostgreSql and Kafka.
Review: Building Event-Driven Microservices - Adam Bellemare
Ready to level up your microservices with event-driven architecture? This book gets you started!
Managed vs self-managed PostgreSQL on Digital Ocean
Short comparison between managed vs self-managed PostgreSQL on Digital Ocean.
Install PostgreSQL 16 on Digital Ocean droplet
Short tutorial to have PostgreSQL 16 up and running. Includes setup of firewall and a simple benchmark.